You wouldn't wanna be me...
It's lonely being me. Not really lonely but plain SUCKS! My summer was supposed to be some adventure with all the studying and creating stuff I wanted to have done. But as I see it not even half of my plans are working well for me. I wanted to study how to use the different softwares I got from Renan but I still haven't, just one - Adobe Photoshop CS. Ah, well. Plans fail and people let you fail. *Ahaha!* Look at me I look damn stupid! I suck BIGTIME. Look if you'll get to love this just a bit: You have to fight for your time to use the computer, people are ever disturbing you for you to let them do their business delaying yours, they never forget to remind you how fat and ugly you are, Yell at you like you are into some debt; telling that you don't own the house like you are just boarding in for free, eating their food, spending their money, that you are worthless... How happy would you be if you were me? The weather's not too good for me. I'm sweating flood, I'm hungry after 3 hours after a meal. My room is silent because I've destroyed almost everything, my discman, the karaoke, my cassette... I'm so proud of myself. *Grrr* I can't save money because I've said I'm always hungry. Luckily, no problems in school except for the shifting which is still hanging on a thread because we're not sure if the dean will allow us to. I always pray he would because I'll be looking at my self as a big, fat loser again if I stay in Computer Science and if I wouldn't be able to pass the math subject and I don't want to take JAVA Programming allover again esp. if it's going to be Mr. Ribo again. I don't want anymore company visitations, computer systems and those stuffs he compell his students to do. I just don't want to do it if it's him. *Uh-Uh!* Atleast I'm not yet running out of plans and dreams to bring to life. *Huh* Just wanted to let it out because it's eating me inside everyday like was Prometheus at the top of Mt. Caucasus and my insides are being eaten by birds at sundown and grows back in the morning just to be eaten again before night falls. Things will be better, I know. But until then...